Pi-Press works under the slogan “We take care of your home library”: most of our publications are either encyclopaedias and reference books in various fields, or classic, anthological and contemporary works of world and domestic literature for adults and children, which should no doubt be found in every home library.
Our original publications for children have been produced in the creative workshop of Pi-Press. Along with the authors and illustrators, children’s educators are also involved in their creation, while children are our strictest critics. We would like our books to be children’s best friends while they are on the road of growing up and maturing, as well as when they become adult people and mature readers.
Pi-Press has a completed production process – from the idea, editing, design and printing, to the realization in sales. Our books are known for their exquisite high-quality print and final production.
In addition to printing all our publications, we provide printing services to other publishers.
We are also engaged in co-production: printing works in multiple languages, with selling copyrights for our publications.
Upon signing the Royalties Agreement, we send the CDs with files for translation. The translated files should be sent to us before deadlines set for every product individually. Delivery of the print run: FCA Pirot. Since recently, there is the possibility of delivery to the address of the customer, upon special agreement.
The print runs of co-production titles are 1000, 2000, 3000 and 5000 copies. Larger print runs also possible.
Special offer:
It is possoble to order smaller print runs for each product, under following conditions:
The minimum print run for one title is 500 copies, and minimum price of total order is 10,000 Euros.
For more details and information on the conditions of co-production and prices, contact:
Sonja Žikić, redakcija@pi-press.com
Tel/Fax: +381 10 34 66 17
FAIRY TALES for all times
(Bajke za sva vremena / Najlepše bajke – 7 kom)
Illustrator: Vladimir Mančić
Editor: Sonja Žikić
7-book set of fairy tales
Format: 14×13 cm
10 cardboard leaves (20 pages) each
Padded hardcover, Illustrated
Printing: full color
Seven of most beautiful and famous fairy tales of all time, children’s faithful companions on
the road of growing up and understanding the world and life.
Illustrated in full colour, with cardboard pages and padded covers, they will be an amusing toy for children of the youngest age with which they will step into the world of books, the realm of imagination and adventure.

(Najlepše bajke na svetu)
Illustrations: Vladimir Mančić;
Editor: Nataša Mančić
Format: 23 x 29 cm
168 pages
Hardcover (plastified padded covers)
Full colour, 150 g glossy kunstdruck paper
The most beautiful classic fairy tales for all times that have enriched the childhood of numerous generations and taught them about life, love, jealousy, human virtues and vices, good and evil.
The book contains beautiful illustrations which will transfer children into the fairytale world of Little Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs, Hansel and Gretel, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, Pinocchio, The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids and The Ugly Duckling. The texts are simple and concise, adapted for children, yet their essence and their important messages are retained and unchanged.

FABLES picture books
(Basne slikovnice)
llustrator: Vladimir Mančić
Editor: Sonja Žikić
24 picturebooks
Format: 20 x15 cm
Pages: 8 p. each
Paperback (plasticized 250 g kunstdruck covers)
Full colour, 150 g glossy kunstdruck paper
An abundance of beautiful stories from the old times, which have carried their timeless lessons about life through centuries. Animals familiar to children, illustrated in full color, in vivid colors and distinctive style, will teach children about human virtues and vices, as well as about their good and bad traits.
1 The Tortoise and the Hare
2 The Fox and the Crow
3 The Ant and the Grasshopper
4 The Lion and the Mouse
5 The Dog and Its Reflection
6 The Ass and the Ox
7 The Fox and the Grapes
8 The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
9 The Wolf and the Lamb
10 The Fox and the Stork
11 The Horse and the Ass
12 The Monkey and the Dolphin
13 The Insatiable Marten
14 The Ass and the Dog
15 The Unsatisfied Ass
16 The Stag and His Reflection
17 The Frog and the Ox
18 The Boy Who Cried Wolf
19 The Fox and the Goat
20 The Bear and the Bees
21 The North Wind and the Sun
22 The Dog and the Wolf
23 The Two Ants
24 The Tortoise and the Eagle

Ilustrations: Vladimir Mančić
Format: 23 x 29 cm,
200 pages
Hardcover, plastified padded covers
Full colour, glossy kunstdruck paper
Extra DVD video
This wonderful book of fables will take you into an interesting world in which animals speak and behave like people. You will make friends with foxes, wolves, bears, rabbits, and many other animals, good and bad, weak and strong, smart and silly, clever and clumsy. Their examples will teach you about honesty, diligence, friendship… They will help you understand adults, as well as your friends and peers, because fables are stories about animals which actually tell about people and their good and bad traits and acts.
Just as people have their virtues (goodness, honesty, modesty, diligence, persistence…) and vices (malice, jealousy, conceit, laziness…), animals in fables have human characteristics: the donkey is dumb and stubborn, the fox is sly and cunning, the wolf is voracious, the lamb is meek, the rabbit – fast, the turtle – slow, the ox has great endurance. The nature around them is also represented as a living being, with all virtues and vices. Pointing out what is good and beautiful, as well as what is bad and ugly, fables show us in an amusing way how to behave. Every fable has a moral, or a message, which will help you grow up and understand the world, people and life.

FAIRY TALES picture books
(Bajke slikovnice)
llustrator: Vladimir Mančić
Editor: Sonja Žikić
8-book set of fairy tales
Format: 20×15 cm illustrated, full color
Pages: 16 p. each
Paperback (plasticized 250 g kunstdruck covers)
Full colour, 150 g glossy kunstdruck paper
Rights sold: Croatian, Ukrainian, Russian, Bulgarian
This set of well-known classic fairy tales, beautifully illustrated with adapted text, is made for the youngest readers; those who are beginning to read on their own but still like to curl up and hear a story read to them.
1. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2. Cinderella
3. Hansel and Gretel
4, The Ugly Duckling
5. Three Little Pigs
6. The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids
7. Little Red Riding Hood
8. Pinocchio

FAIRY TALES picture books
(Bajke slikovnice)
llustrator: Vladimir Mančić
Editor: Sonja Žikić
8-book set of fairy tales
Format: 20×15 cm illustrated, full color
Pages: 16 p. each
Paperback (plasticized 250 g kunstdruck covers)
Full colour, 150 g glossy kunstdruck paper
Rights sold: Croatian, Ukrainian, Russian, Bulgarian
This set of well-known classic fairy tales, beautifully illustrated with adapted text, is made for the youngest readers; those who are beginning to read on their own but still like to curl up and hear a story read to them.
1. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2. Cinderella
3. Hansel and Gretel
4, The Ugly Duckling
5. Three Little Pigs
6. The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids
7. Little Red Riding Hood
8. Pinocchio

(Engleski rečnik u slikama)
Author: Sonja Žikić
Illustrator: Vladimir Mančić,
Expert consultants: Tanjica Perović, English language teacher, and Mirjana Stanković Djordjević, developmental psychologist.
Format: 47 x 33 cm
Pages: 10 hard pages (6 cardboard leaves)
Printing: full color
Rights sold: Ukrainian, Russian, Bulgarian
The illustrated English dictionary is designed for pre-school children who are just beginning to learn the foreign language, but also for younger schoolchildren in the first phase of learning how to write.
It contains the most important words and concepts from the children’s immediate surroundings. Every word is accompanied by phonetic transcription and translation into Serbian. The large format of the dictionary enables learning through play in pair, or in larger company.

(Svet oko mene)
Author: Dragana Pejić Randjelović;
Illustrations: Vladimir Mančić
Suitcase dimensions: 26 x 21 x 5 cm
Picture book format: 10 x 8 cm.
Hard pages
Free gift: two colour books
This unique “suitcase” contains 24 hardcover picture books for children aged 1 to 5, which will help children get familiar with their surroundings in an interesting and easily comprehensible way.
Along with the 12 picture books about animals, there are also books with the illustrations of fruits and vegetables, clothes and footwear, means of transport, toys, musical instruments, etc.

Author: Sonja Žikić
Graphic design: Milan Branković
Illustrations: Vladimir Mančić
Format: 29 x 23 cm
Size:144 pages
illustrated, full colour, mat kunstdruck paper
Hardcover, plastified padded covers
Rights sold: Bulgarian
When the baby comes into the world and into your life, it brings you immense joy, which it continues giving you every day, throughout its growing up – with its every smile, its first steps and words, first caresses and embraces, acquired knowledge and skills…
This Baby Memory Book will help you capture and save the most joyful, significant and precious moments, from the time when you found out that a new family member is about to come into the world and its birth, to its first day at school.
On the pages of this memory book, you will be able to keep various memories, events and facts about your child’s growing up, such as the emergence of the first teeth, first steps, starting kindergarten, what your child likes, and what it does not like… and to enliven all that with photographs.
The book also contains “open” pages, titled “Important events”, “Memories” and “Memorable moments”, which leave enough space for documenting all the moments and events that you consider important and precious, and which refer to the individual development and the way of life and growing up of your child.

(Slikovnice za učenje i igru)
Authors: Sonja Žikić and Vladimir Mančić
Format: 16,5 x 15,5 cm
Size: 22 pages (6 cardboard leaves)
Hardcover (plastified padded covers)
Printing: full colour
This set of cardboard books is designed for young children: from babies who are only a few months old to younger preschoolers. It will first serve as an interesting toy for looking at, with lively and cheerful illustrations in vivid colours, whereas later children will use the books to adopt and recognize concepts from their surroundings and everyday life more easlily.